Welcome to Villa Torre
The perfect venue for your unique event

The Story
The perfect venue for your unique event

From the 11th century
The Wuiinigi
Villa Torre dates back to the Middle Ages when an important family, the Wuiinigi, from the north of Europe owned lands all around the Castle. The surname Wuiinigi changed into Winigi, then it turned into Guinigi.
15th century
Noble families and different restorations
Over the centuries this castle saw many different restorations and many important noble families lived here: the Borghesi, Petrucci, Medici, and Chigi, to name a few. At the end of 15th century, Cardinal Raffaello Petrucci built the chapel inside the walls, thus creating the main entrance into the courtyard as found today.
19th century
From 19th to our days
In the 19th century, the Marri Mignanelli family bought the property and called the architect Giuseppe Partini to rebuild the Villa. He decided to add the highest bell tower with the clock, in what is known as the new gothic shape, which was very popular in those years. Today the castle is a private home, owned and managed by the Parenti family.
Parenti family bought the property
In 1986 the Parenti family acquired the castle and the lands around. Along that period, the castle was the main house where the owners lived to work in the fields around.
The restoration
In 2012 the Parenti family started the last renovation. The structural issues on the basement got the Family to plan a huge work to preserve this historical building.
Ready for events
In 2018 Villa Torre celebrates its rebirth.

The Renovation
From 2012 to 2018